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+32 (0) 67 28 74 71

Non-profit sector

Support the committed men and their projects on the spot

Associative life and the social economy are projects for the future, but often face the scarcity of public funds, the complexity of their financing methods and under heavy pressure for their administrative and financial organization.

The human dimension of the sector implies a strong commitment by placing the issues of governance, transparency and credibility at the heart of the organization.

Our firm, very committed in the associative sector, can assist you on the specific subjects to the associative world, with in particular:

  • Preparation of your grant application files;
  • Support in your budget procedures;
  • Development of accounting schemes for operating grants, investment grants and grants earmarked for specific projects (allocated funds);
  • Establishment of the balance sheet of the actions which conditions the payment of the balance of the subsidies, in order to avoid minimizing all risks of ineligibility / rejection;
  • Establishment of a patronage mechanism to mobilize funds other than grants;
  • Treatment of tax issues;
  • Certification of your annual accounts;
  • Certification of your expenses in the framework of European projects.

Our experts can relieve your association of all or part of its accounting and tax obligations and advise you more broadly on organizing your structure.

We know your concerns well and will guide you towards the transparency and sustainability of your project.

Lastly, we produce or audit the "combined" accounts of the group of associations, participates or validates the regrouping operations (contribution of assets for free) or division.

Secteur non-marchand

The hospital sector has evolved considerably over the past ten years. The hospital of the future will go through networking, the shift to ambulatory and e-health.

The organization and functioning of public and private hospitals are part of a complex and highly evolving legal environment. Institutions must respond to a broad spectrum of needs that are expanding and diversifying. In addition, they must provide more services to an aging population while meeting significant budgetary constraints. This double challenge is organized in a highly regulated sector.
They must also maintain close relationships with a multitude of upstream stakeholders (suppliers of equipment, medical devices and equipment, university hospitals, INAMI, SPF, AVIQ etc.) and within the institutions (doctors, trade unions, works council, paramedics, etc.) to better meet the needs of the citizens they serve.

Our role is to support the development policy of these institutions faced with many challenges :

  • Improve their performance,
  • To restore their financial situation,
  • Comply with new regulations (accreditations),
  • Improve the care for patients ...

For many years, our audit firm has been assisting hospitals in their day-to-day management as well as in their structural evolutions, whether as a consultant or as a statutory auditor.

We provide the following services:

  • assessment of the risks related to regulatory changes;
  • financial and accounting structuring of your new construction projects;
  • support in your projects of rapprochement (networks) / mergers of institutions;
  • support in the realization of your annual budget;
  • optimization of internal control procedures and the governance of your institution.

Since all these years, we have developed a sector-specific expertise dedicated to the transformation of hospital business models.

The sector needs to adjust to regulatory changes, modification in pricing rules and uncertainty about its financing (including the day price and the annual allocation), which increases the risks to which it is subject.

We accompany many institutions run by associations and foundations.

Among the many areas of activity from early childhood to old age in this sector, we work in particular in entities that support:

  • The elderly people : MR and MRS, day care center;
  • Persons with disabilities: adult establishments, children's institutions, ETA (Adapted Work Environments), FAM (French Medical Reception Centers), MAS (Specialized French Reception Centers);
  • Early childhood and out-of-school care;
  • Youth Aid;
  • Education;
  • The insertion.

We support you in the following missions:

  • Preparation of the annual accounts,
  • Legal and contractual audit of the annual accounts,
  • Financial and legal support during consolidation operations, cooperation, mergers,
  • Assistance with financial arrangements,
  • Decision support for extension projects: financial feasibility analysis,
  • Organizational and functional audit