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+32 (0) 71 15 89 30


+32 (0) 67 28 74 71

Risk advisory

Risk taking, consultancy and governance

Risk taking is inherent in the exercise of any entrepreneurial activity.

However, poorly managed and uncontrolled risks can undermine the objectives.

We offer a range of services related to compliance, governance and internal controls.

We assist you in corporate risk governance (risk mapping, segregation of duties ...) to:

  • detect the risks incurred by shareholders or members earlier,
  • prevent fraudulent behaviors.

We suggest to secure your processes (strategic, financial, organizational) for a sustainable entity. The objective is to align the internal control system with the governance issues and the risks of the company.

Risk consultance
Risk consultance

What does risk management imply?

Risk management allows to identify risks in the form of mapping. Then, the risks are evaluated in terms of financial consequences. Finally they are prioritized by degree of risk.

Our support can help you evaluate and strengthen your risk management system. We can also support you for the audit of a specific risk:

  • evaluating and improving the reliability of internal control systems (regulatory, financial and operational aspects);
  • audit of information system governance (strategic and operational areas);
  • investigation audit (fraud, contractual clauses, financial disputes, ...).

At the end of these missions, we deliver a written report in which we make recommendations. We take part in audit committees and present the key audit points of our reports.

Our other services

Missions ponctuelles

One-off assigments

Types of one-off missions provided by us:Setting-up of a company and increase of capital by contribution in kind,Quasi-contribution,Transformation of legal form society,Distribution of interim dividends,LiquidationMerger and…

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Given the complexity of taxation and frequent legislative changes in this area, it is important to be accompanied in the exercise of your tax.Our mission is…

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Contrôle et audit interne

Internal control and audit

Internal audit assistanceInternal audit is one of the pillars of governance. Every growing entity is facing with the same problem: discovering the areas of risk associated…

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