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+32 (0) 71 15 89 30


+32 (0) 67 28 74 71

Financial Audit

We certify the accounts and procedures of your company or association.

We intervene both to meet a legal obligation that requires to certify your accounts. But also, in the context of a voluntary approach that you carry out to sustain a strategic decision-making. For every decision that concerns either a process, an organization, a change of information system, etc. In this case, we will talk about contractual audit.

The statutory auditor intervenes in certain companies and associations to assure all stakeholders that the financial statements provide a true and fair view of the entity's financial position and performance. He exercises his responsibility and judgment to the benefit of interested stakeholders of all concerned.

By certifying the regularity, sincerity and fair presentation of companies' accounts, the statutory auditor contributes to maintaining confidence in the economic system. It also promotes its growth.

We recommend a practical, efficient and effective approach based on the availability of our team. A detailed planning and constant communication both internally and with our clients.

Our skills and our dedicated tools guarantee the opinion issued at the end of our work.

Audit financier
Audit financier

Beyond the legal obligations, the aim of our audit mission is:

  • to improve your internal control system,
  • to optimize the quality of your accounting and financial processes,
  • to guarantee good governance,
  • to prevent and manage the risks that weigh on your activity.

Our team shows experience in a wide range of sectors, including industry, services, distribution, construction and real estate, retail, social housing, inter-municipal organizations, non-profit organizations, hospitals and medico-social.

Find here the privileged sectors for which we have developed specific services.

Our other services

Missions ponctuelles

One-off assigments

Types of one-off missions provided by us:Setting-up of a company and increase of capital by contribution in kind,Quasi-contribution,Transformation of legal form society,Distribution of interim dividends,LiquidationMerger and…

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Given the complexity of taxation and frequent legislative changes in this area, it is important to be accompanied in the exercise of your tax.Our mission is…

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Contrôle et audit interne

Internal control and audit

Internal audit assistanceInternal audit is one of the pillars of governance. Every growing entity is facing with the same problem: discovering the areas of risk associated…

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