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Due diligence

The acquisition audit (also called "due diligence") takes place during transactions such as the purchase of a goodwill or an equity investment in an existing company. It must allow the purchaser to make informed  his investment decision. Our goal is to provide the buyer with the best visibility of the target and its related risks.

This acquisition audit can investigate these points: accounting, finance, taxation, legal, resources.

The careful acquisition audit performed by an auditor dispels all risks.

His success depends on his audit driving quality.

The objectives of an acquisition audit of a target company:

  • to identify the risks related to the acquisition: market of the company, condition of the transaction, financing of the operation ...;
  • ensure that there is no overstatement of the accounts and the financial position of the company,
  • provide the buyer with the information he needs to make his investment decision.
Audit d’acquisition
Audit d’acquisition

The main steps of an acquisition audit:

  • acquaintance and preliminary study of the file with the purchaser,
  • understanding of the business, the market of the target: characteristic and evolution of the customers, specificity of the products or services sold ...
  • Inventory of operating risks and their coverages: insurance policies, compliance with collective agreements ... For this component we work in synergy with your lawyers or lawyers with whom we have partnerships.
  • an accounting and financial audit that confirms the price.We check the authenticity of the accounts provided by the seller, that the company owns the assets on its balance sheet and that all liabilities have been recorded. This analysis leads to a number of recommendations (or warnings).

At the end of this acquisition audit, you will obtain:

  • a single report summarizing the main points raised and restoring all our work in detail;
  • access to a single interlocutor who coordinates the various aspects of this audit.

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