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Companies and assets valuation

Determining the value of a company is not an easy task.

The valuation of a business is the estimation, based on objective criteria, of its value through appropriate valuation methods. We offer an objective diagnostic of the market value of your business. And our judicious advice allows you to conclude profitable transactions.

Why going through an evaluation of your business before considering its takeover or transfer?

  • to benefit from an optimal negotiation,
  • to consider a sale at the price.

Opportunities to evaluate your business are multiple and do not all require the same degree of analysis. Therefore, before the beginning of the mission, we will define the objectives of intervention in an engagement letter.

Additionaly, you benefit from a tailor-made intervention adapted to your objectives and the context of your evaluation.

Every year, we carry out multiple business evaluations in different contexts:

  • tax litigation,
  • transactions,
  • inheritance,
  • acquisition project,
  • project of sale or merger of companies,
  • preparation for retirement or transfer,
  • request for financing.
Evaluation d’entreprises et d’actifs
Evaluation d’entreprises et d’actifs

We are keen to understand the specificities of the company under assessment, but also those of its sector and competitors, in order to know its value in its economical context.

We implement multi-criteria approaches that integrate the various evaluation methods that can be considered, based on a preliminary diagnosis:

  • Analogical methods: comparable financial or transactions. We use transaction databases that are constantly updated.
  • Intrinsic methods: discounted cash flows , revalued net assets ...

What do you get at the end of the evaluation mission?

A detailed report that contains:

  • an internal and external diagnostic of the business environment (potential and future / strengths and weaknesses);
  • he Analysis of the company's activity allowing to choose the method to be applied;
  • the market values of the company.

Our other services

Missions ponctuelles

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