+32 (0) 71 15 89 30 secretariat@audicia.be
+32 (0) 67 28 74 71 secretariat@audicia.be
Types of one-off missions provided by us:Setting-up of a company and increase of capital by contribution in kind,Quasi-contribution,Transformation of legal form society,Distribution of interim dividends,LiquidationMerger and split of companies. Contribution…
Given the complexity of taxation and frequent legislative changes in this area, it is important to be accompanied in the exercise of your tax.Our mission is to optimize the taxation…
Internal audit assistanceInternal audit is one of the pillars of governance. Every growing entity is facing with the same problem: discovering the areas of risk associated with their growth. Internal…
Inspiring change, engaging the Future We support you in transforming your practices for a sustainable and committed future.
Optimize the clarity of your sustainability reports and ensure the reliability of your data !
International reporting : considering interoperability
Develop your CSR strategy and assess your CSR maturity
Implement compliant and functional reporting
Our team is united by a corporate culture and a common passion for our demanding professions.
Partner of your entrepreneurial freedom
Based in Charleroi and Genappe, AUDICIA is an independent firm of Certified Public Accountants. We are renowned for our expertise in numbers and our quality of support. Our team has high skills in auditing annual financial statements and financial audit.
Articles designed to be shared with colleagues and clients, strengthening our connections over the long term.
Nemo quaeso miretur, si post exsudatos labores itinerum longos congestosque adfatim commeatus fiducia vestri ductante barbaricos pagos adventans velut mutato…
AUDICIA offers services adapted to your business constraints to reduce your risks and promote your development.